Rotations in Yale ED
Student clerkships in Yale EM are designed to be a hands-on experience where students will immerse themselves in the workings of the ED.
The educational mission of the Department of Emergency Medicine is to educate future leaders and scholars who will advance the practice of emergency medicine at all levels, from local to international.
The outstanding teaching during the Yale EM clerkships is evidenced by the many teaching awards bestowed on our faculty by the students of the Yale School of Medicine.
Dr. Karen Jubanyik received the 2018 Leah Lowenstein Award and Dr. Rachel Liu received the 2018 Blake Award, both for outstanding medical education. Dr. Christopher Moore (Chief, Section of Emergency Ultrasound) won the Alvan R. Feinstein Award for outstanding teaching of clinical skills in 2016.
To navigate, click one of the following:
> Traditional Sub-I Rotations
> U/S Sub-I Rotations
> MS2/3 Clerkship
> U/S Elective
Traditional Sub-I Rotations
Welcome to the Yale EM Sub-Internship!
Our Sub-I is composed of a combination of clinical shifts, didactic activities as well as a resident-led procedure sim.
The schedule consists of 15 x 8 hour clinical shifts at the Yale New Haven ED where you rotate with different attendings to learn from their special skills (ultrasound, critical care, toxicology, EMS, etc).
You have protected time for education on Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday mornings.
Some Tuesday afternoons you will attend the Ultrasound Image Review with the ultrasound faculty, and others you will attend specialized lectures or simulation.
On Wednesday mornings you will attend the EM residency educational conference. You can find the schedule as well as the location for the conference on this website.
Please look under resources to read about some recommended readings to help you improve your knowledge as you rotate with us.
Enjoy your time at Yale!
U/S Sub-I Rotations
Welcome to the Yale EM Sub-Internship!
Our EM/US Sub-I is composed of a combination of clinical shifts and scanning shifts in the ED as well as didactic activities and resident-led procedure sim.
It is required to have 1 prior EM rotation in order to participate in this elective with the intention of applying to residency in Emergency medicine.
The schedule consists of 10 x 8 hour clinical shifts and 4 x scanning shifts at the Yale New Haven ED where you rotate with different attendings with a specific focus on those specialized in ultrasound.
You have protected time for education on Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday mornings.
Some Tuesday afternoons you will attend the Ultrasound Image Review with the ultrasound faculty, and others you will attend specialized lectures or simulation.
On Wednesday mornings you will attend the EM residency educational conference. You can find the schedule as well as the location for the conference on this website.
Please look under resources to read about some recommended readings to help you improve your knowledge as you rotate with us as well as download the bulldog sonobites app to use prior to and on your scanning shifts.
You can find your schedule under the google calendar for the ultrasound department. You will be emailed the username and password.
Enjoy your time at Yale!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Dr Rachel Liu at
MS2/3 Clerkship
All Yale Medical Students participate in a 3 week EM rotation during their 12-week integrated Surgical Approach to the Patient clerkship. Students work closely with Yale EM faculty and residents while providing direct patient care.
Students on the EM clerkship are assigned to a variety of shifts, where they will encounter urgent care level patients as well as resuscitation of the most critically ill emergency department patients. This design allows the student to be exposed to a wide range of EM procedures and presentations. All patient care is directly and closely supervised.
Each student in the clerkship receives individualized teaching from EM faculty members with whom they are paired for one or more shifts in the emergency department. Students also rotate in groups through the Yale Center for Medical Simulation as part of a 12-week integrated EM/Surgery simulation course. Weekly small group case conferences are led by EM faculty and help the student to learn the EM approach to acute presentations of common chief complaints. In addition, there will be a weekly resident-run EM didactic.
Check out our Medical Student Resources page for some high yield content to help you during your time in the ED. Many of your questions can be answered through our FAQ page.
U/S Elective
Welcome to the Ultrasound rotation for medical students, emergency medicine residents and off-service residents!
Your schedule will vary depending on the type of rotation you are signed up for, but it generally consists of a combination of 4-5 hour scanning shifts in the Adult Emergency Department at Yale York Street Campus as well as participation in image review at 464 Congress Street every Tuesday afternoon from 1PM to 5PM.
You can find your schedule under the google calendar for the ultrasound department. You will be emailed the username and password.
The Department of Emergency Medicine owns 5 Phillips Sparq ultrasound machines that you will be training with: 3 machines on A side of the ED, 1 on B side, 1 on C side.
The Emergency Department has a system of cell phones set to work on the wireless network of the hospital called Mobile Heartbeat. The doctors, nurses and other ED staff use it to communicate. The Ultrasound team you will be a part of while scanning must login to a Mobile Heartbeat phone so you can be contacted by the ED staff for scans.
There are generally two types of point of care ultrasounds performed in the ED: diagnostic and educational. This will be explained further but educational studies always need a confirmatory study performed (such as an official radiology study).
After performing a scan, please login into Qpath and complete the worksheet for the study. All the Qpath worksheets should be complete by the end of your shift.
Make sure you clean and stock all the ultrasound machines daily. All machines house a special cleaning spray, a bag of towels, and ultrasound gel packets. You can find supplies in a closet in the corridor directly behind room R1.
Enjoy your time rotating in our department!
U/S resources
In terms of helpful resources for learning ultrasound if this is your first time getting experience with the subject matter, here is a short list:
Bulldog app: Created by our own Dr. Cristiana Baloescu!
Sonoguide: Created by ACEP section of emergency ultrasound, this is a comprehensive teaching website for point of care ultrasound
Ultrasound Podcast: This is for the podcast lovers, series of educational podcasts on general point of care ultrasound topics
Emergency Ultrasound Teaching: A great website with clinical cases, tutorials as well as literature repository for some of the more important ultrasound articles, split by topic.
Sonospot: Website “where the interesting, funny, cool and geeky meet to share their tips/tricks/knowledge of and adventures with bedside focused EM ultrasound” through patient cases.
1-Minute Ultrasound (for iPhone and also on Google Play, free): This app is a great on the go bedside reference on correct scanning techniques as well as expected normal and abnormal scans. Best of all, each topic is 1 minute!